Strain Systems Announces SOLO-L Level Measurement Solution
Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 11:41PM
Walter Kistler

BELLEVUE, WA, October 7, 2012 – Strain Systems Inc. has introduced a new level- measurement system for continuous monitoring of bulk storage materials in silos. Based on the patented StrainCell™ sensor technology, the new SOLO-L™ improves on existing silo level measurement devices by eliminating problems caused by material density, angle of repose, wave reflection, and dust clouds common to other level measurement technologies.

“StrainCell technology has proven to achieve better than 3% inventory accuracy and better than 1% load-in/out accuracy with legged silos in the field.” said Kennan Yilmaz, President of Strain Systems. “Our high-level goal is to introduce new alternatives for industrial applications where we can offer higher value to our customers.” 

The SOLO-L is installed, operated, and calibrated via a touch-screen interface. It does not require any conversion tables or calculations. Measurement readings are instantaneous, continuous, and nonintrusive.

Built-on the Android platform, SOLO-L offers measurement readings via Ethernet and analog interface output options on PCs, Android tablets, and phones, 24/7 fromanywhere around the world. PC and Android phone software are included with the purchase of the SOLO-L.

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About Strain Systems

Strain Systems Inc. offers inventory monitoring for storage silos using the latest technology developed by industrial instrument inventor Walter Kistler. StrainCell sensors install with a single bolt and provide fully temperature-compensated, highly accurate, nonintrusive, continuous weight and level measurement of bulk storage materials. Measurement readings are viewable on-site or anywhere in the world via Internet-enabled intelligent electronics. The company is headquartered in Bellevue, WA USA. Learn more at


Jean Gilbertson


Press Release

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