Kistler Sensors – Latest from the Kistler Legacy

Kistler Sensors: New Company, New Technology from the Kistler Legacy
StrainCell™ Technology Solves Historical Measurement Challenge
BELLEVUE, WA, October 3, 2011 — Longtime entrepreneur and inventor Walter Kistler announces a new company, Kistler Sensors Inc., based on his latest industrial measurement invention, the StrainCell™ sensor. The StrainCell™ is a result of decades of experience and research. Mr. Kistler has been involved in industrial instrumentation since the 1940s when he developed his first instrument while working for a company in Switzerland. Since then he has invented dozens of new measurement instruments, started successful companies, and acquired more than fifty patents. Kistler Sensors, the most recent of these companies, was founded to commercialize the new StrainCell™ technology.
The StrainCell™ was developed to address a historical challenge in strain measurements: temperature-induced measurement errors. These errors can be tremendous in comparison to signals indicating load or strain. StrainCell is virtually immune to these temperature-induced errors, finally resolving an issue that has challenged the industrial instrumentation field from its early days.
“My task,” said Walter Kistler, “was to design an instrument that would not be sensitive to the temperature expansion. Progress was possible by making a strain sensor that did not just measure in one direction but in two directions. That was an enormous advantage because now the temperature effects are eliminated. The StrainCell™ technology will have a variety of applications in a cross section of industries from silo/tank weight and level measurement to bridge fatigue monitoring, crane safety, wind tower monitoring, and on-board vehicle scales, among others.” [Walter Kistler discusses the physics of the StrainCell™ at]
In addition to its improved performance over other sensors on the market, the StrainCell™ also ensures reduced installation cost because of its simple, single-bolt installation. Kistler Sensors offers intelligent electronics to process signals from StrainCell™ sensors and make readings available either locally or remotely. Readings from the StrainCell™ can also be integrated into corporate information systems to automate accounting and process control.
“It’s unusual for the ‘new kid on the block’ to be one of the most experienced companies in its field, but that’s exactly what we have here,” said Sesh Velamoor, CEO of Kistler Sensors. In the 1980s–90s, Velamoor was President of Kistler-Morse Corporation, another company that focused on marketing instruments invented by Walter Kistler. Together, employees of Kistler Sensors have a cumulative experience in the instrumentation field of more than 200 years.
Kennan Yilmaz, President of Kistler Sensors, said, “When you start thinking about all the applications and possibilities that can be built around the StrainCell™ technology, you can easily get overzealous. We plan to bring this new technology to the market in a focused and methodical way, following an exciting long-term product roadmap and business plan. Our current focus is to apply the technology to storage silo/tank weight and level measurement applications for inventory control purposes. Customers will notice the Kistler difference in this market with our technology and application support expertise.”
Kistler Sensors offers Kistler SOLO™ (single silo) and Kistler Ensemble™ (silo farm) measurement solutions based on the StrainCell™ technology. These solutions have been tested in the field for several years and are proven to have achieved measurement accuracies better than 2% of full scale.
Kistler Sensors, headquartered in Bellevue, WA USA, has started expanding its global distributorship network and is shipping products worldwide. For further information or distributorship inquiries, visit
CONTACT: Kennan Yilmaz
President, Kistler Sensors Inc.
| | 425-453-8533