Strain Systems Announces SOLO-L Level Measurement Solution

“StrainCell technology has proven to achieve better than 3% inventory accuracy and better than 1% load-in/out accuracy with legged silos in the field.” said Kennan Yilmaz, President of Strain Systems. “Our high-level goal is to introduce new alternatives for industrial applications where we can offer higher value to our customers.”
The SOLO-L is installed, operated, and calibrated via a touch-screen interface. It does not require any conversion tables or calculations. Measurement readings are instantaneous, continuous, and nonintrusive.
Built-on the Android platform, SOLO-L offers measurement readings via Ethernet and analog interface output options on PCs, Android tablets, and phones, 24/7 fromanywhere around the world. PC and Android phone software are included with the purchase of the SOLO-L.
About Strain Systems
Strain Systems Inc. offers inventory monitoring for storage silos using the latest technology developed by industrial instrument inventor Walter Kistler. StrainCell sensors install with a single bolt and provide fully temperature-compensated, highly accurate, nonintrusive, continuous weight and level measurement of bulk storage materials. Measurement readings are viewable on-site or anywhere in the world via Internet-enabled intelligent electronics. The company is headquartered in Bellevue, WA USA. Learn more at
Jean Gilbertson